You must use the Chooser to select a printer before you can print.
Could not locate printer driver in Extensions folder.
Bad NewsWatcher Prefs
The saved preferences on the file named “%s” are damaged or invalid. NewsWatcher will use its default preference settings.
Your news server has more groups than NewsWatcher can handle. The full group list has been truncated to 16,383 groups.
The full group list saved on your NewsWatcher Prefs file was too big. It has been truncated to 16,383 groups.
There are too many subjects. Subject windows are limited to 16,383 subjects. Try decreasing the “Maximum number of articles to fetch” option in the “General Options” preferences topic.
The article cannot be canceled because it does not contain a “Newsgroups” header line.
Save file as:
Printed for %.100s (%.100s)
Getting and printing article %d of %d.
Getting and printing article.
%d articles were skipped because the articles or one of their parts no longer exist on your news server.
One article was skipped because the article or one of its parts no longer exists on your news server.
The article or one of its parts no longer exists on your news server.
Diskette is write protected.
You are dragging too many groups. Group lists in message windows are limited to 32,767 characters.
The dragged text is too big. Message windows are limited to 32,767 characters.
You have already subscribed to the group “%s”. Do you want to replace it with the one you’re %s?
You have already subscribed to some of the groups you’re %s. Do you want to replace them with the ones you’re %s?
The information for the groups you are trying to paste or insert is corrupt, or the version of NewsWatcher you are using is too old to understand it.
You selected too many subjects for the “Extract Binaries Manually” command.
If the parts are not in the right order, drag them to put them in the right order.
%d articles were skipped because they have missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
One article was skipped because it has missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
%d articles were skipped because they do not contain any attached files.
One article was skipped because it does not contain any attached files.
All of the articles you selected have missing parts. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
The article does not contain any attached files.
Extracting binaries, article %d of %d, part %d of %d.
Some parts are missing. You must wait until all the parts have arrived before you can extract binaries.
Unexpected error %d trying to run the decode helper program “%s”.
There is not enough memory to run the decode helper program “%s”.
Could not find the decode helper program “%s".
Extracting binaries, part %d of %d.
Extracting binaries.
Save temporary file as:
Could not locate the download folder for extracting binaries.
StuffIt Expander‚Ñ¢
One of the fields in the saved message was too long. It has been truncated to 32,767 characters.
The saved message text was too long. It has been truncated to 32,767 characters.
Could not locate the default folder for saving messages.
Could not locate the default folder for saving articles.
Getting and saving article %d of %d.
Getting and saving article.
%d articles were not canceled, because you are not the author.
Volume is locked.
Deleted Groups
You cannot type any more characters into this field.
The clipboard cannot be pasted because it contains a character which is not legal in this field.
Log closed.
Could not open log file. No log will be written.
C = server command. R = server response.
NewsWatcher version %s
Log opened.
File is locked or busy.
The article cache on the NewsWatcher Prefs file was damaged or in an illegal format. The cache has been flushed.
The text you dragged cannot be inserted because it contains a character which is not legal in this field.
The text you dragged is too big to insert into this field.
Some of the groups are no longer available on the server. They were skipped.
%d articles, %d unread
1 article, %d unread
Some of the selected articles could not be opened, because they no longer exist on the news server.
None of the selected articles could be opened, because they no longer exist on the news server.
The selected article could not be opened, because it no longer exists on the news server.
Getting subjects:
Getting subjects and authors:
NewsWatcher Log
The program “%s” is too old. NewsWatcher requires version %s or later.
NewsWatcher Status
Select “%s”
Select “”
Mailing message.
Posting message.
You must supply at least one recipient (to, cc, or bcc) before you can mail this message.
You must supply at least one newsgroup before you can post this message.
You must supply a subject before you can send this message.
You must check at least one of the icons before you can send this message.
Search Groups
No matching articles were found.
Searching group:
Disk I/O error.
Save message as:
Save article as:
There are no pages in the range you specified.
You must quit and restart the program for the news server change to take effect.
This is the font and size in which NewsWatcher article and message windows are displayed.
This is the font and size in which NewsWatcher group and subject lists are displayed.
The font “%s” does not exist on this system. Monaco will be used instead.
An unexpected error occurred: %d.
Could not find an appropriate URL helper program.
Personal NW folder name:
Disk full.
News Prefs
NewsWatcher Preferences
An error occurred during the startup process, or you canceled the startup process. You may adjust NewsWatcher’s preferences, but you will not be able to read or post news.
Could not open MacTCP.
Opening MacTCP.
sizeof(TPrefRec) is %d, should be %d
Sending group list to host.
Save group list as:
None of the articles were canceled, because you are not the author.
Getting group list from host.
Directory full.
Quote string:
Checking for new articles.
Missing group name
Group deleted on news server.
Group not in full group list.
Syntax error.
Unexpected error %d trying to run the URL helper program “%s”.
%s %s
NewsWatcher version %s
Server domain name: %s
Server IP address: %s
Opening news server connection.
Checking for new articles.
You cannot type any more characters into this message window. Message windows are limited to 32,767 characters.
The clipboard contains too much text to paste. Message windows are limited to 32,767 characters.
There is not enough memory to run the URL helper program “%s”.
Could not find the URL helper program “%s".
The included article text was too long. It was truncated.
Sorry, NewsWatcher can’t post to that many groups at once.
Your message was posted OK, but there was an error trying to mail it. The news icon has been unchecked, so if you try to resend the message, NewsWatcher will not post a second copy.
Extra mail header lines:
Extra news header lines:
One article was not canceled, because you are not the author.
«No Subject»
(by way of %s)
In article
Hide Details
Show Details
Hide Full Group List
Show Full Group List
%d groups
1 group
None of the selected groups were opened, because they contain no articles.
None of the selected groups were opened, because they contain no unread articles.
The selected group was not opened, because it contains no articles.
The selected group was not opened, because it contains no unread articles.
Full Group List
New Groups
Getting full group list from server.
No deleted groups.
The clipboard contains too much text to paste into this field.
Checking for deleted groups.
Checking for new groups.
Reading full group list.
Sorting full group list.
A news server error occurred in response to a NewsWatcher %s command.
A news server error occurred when NewsWatcher tried to connect to the server.
There is not enough memory to complete the current command or operation.
Could not open connection to server.
Could not get server address.
Lost connection to server.
The article cannot be canceled because it does not contain a “Message-ID” header line.
You cannot cancel this article, because you are not the author.
Canceling article.
Article %d of %d in thread %c
The referenced article does not exist on the news server.
NewsWatcher Prefs
This article has no references.
Some of the referenced articles could not be opened, because they do not exist on the news server.
None of the referenced articles could be opened, because they do not exist on the news server.
Section %d of %d
Canceling article %d of %d.
NewsWatcher is almost out of memory. You should close some windows now, or you might crash.